Do you have Merchandise available for purchase?

You bet! You can check all that out in our Online Store!
Offering a variety of products, such as apparel, posters, the Super Speeders DVD’s, and exclusive items that we’ll announce once we have them!

We’d like to say, at least once a week. We’ll make sure that things are up-to-date, and blog posts go up on a weekly basis.
HOWEVER, this is not a guarantee… As stated in the “Rob’s Blog” section, we may miss a week here and there, all depending on how busy things are and how much we have to focus on Rob’s other projects (Adventure Drives, Gotham Dream Cars, etc.)

We hope to add new merchandise on a regular, and update site content as much as possible!

If you have any questions or comments on this, please feel free to let us know through the Contact Form or email us.

How often is this website updated?

How can I stay updated on the latest from Super Speeders?

Short answer is: Instagram & YouTube.

Between those two outlets, Rob is more likely to post videos and updates on those. Make sure to enable notifications for those, to know whenever he posts something new!

One other thing will be: subscribe to our newsletter! On the bottom of this page you can sign up to receive Rob’s newsletter specifically for this website. You’ll be the first to know about new videos, blog posts, merchandise drops, and events.

Can we meet Rob in person? Are there any upcoming events or meetups?
Do you host meet ups, rallies, driving tours?

Rob’s schedule varies and changes all the time.
Between all his projects and family life, it’s hard to tell with certainty where he will be to be able to meet his fans.

A few things he does attend every time for sure: Adventure Drives trips, and SEMA.

If you’d like to meet him, check in with us about the Adventure Drives trips and maybe you’ll be able to meet him along the road… or better yet: sign up to join on the Adventure Drives trips and you’ll be able to have access to Rob directly for up to 10 days (depending on the trip length)!

And SEMA. He usually has appearances with at least one of his partners/ sponsors scheduled, so you’ll be able to see him there. Or see him just walking around the convention!

Also, he may be there for some of the Gotham Dream Cars’ Dream Car Tours.
The schedule for that is posted on the Gotham Dream Cars website.

For all that, stay tuned on his Instagram and YouTube to find out if, when and where you’ll have a chance to meet him and chat with him in person.

Yes, and no.

Not his personal vehicles, obviously. But you can get in touch with Gotham Dream Cars, Rob’s exotic car rental business, and drive one of Rob’s other cars. You may know them from his YouTube videos or Instagram reels/ stories.

BUT: the NSX, the Supra, his built Corvette, the 458… they’re not available to rent.


Can I rent Rob’s cars to drive?

I placed an order from the Super Speeders online store, but I would like to cancel or modify it?

Not a problem!
Just email us or fill out the Contact Form, letting us know what you’d like to do, and we’ll help you out with your order.